Overview: Did you know that the cosmetic procedure Platysmaplasty (commonly referred to as a Neck Lift) can rejuvenate your appearance and give you a look that is both youthful and healthy? Explore this blog to find out more about the procedure that can enhance your neck area and create stunning results.
The Effects of Aging
There are a few common factors that contribute to what people often refer to as “Turkey Neck.” As people age, skin begins to lose its elasticity and when it comes to the neck, this can cause saggy skin, skin folds, and wrinkles. Other factors that can cause wrinkles and loose skin include changes in weight and genetics.
Additionally, since the neck is often exposed to the sun and harsh weather, the skin around this area is also prone to discoloration. All these factors speed up the aging process and can lead to that unwanted “Turkey Neck” look.
Neck Lift & Rejuvenation
Platysmaplasty can rejuvenate the neck with a new and dramatically improved appearance. The procedure involves removing excess skin around the neck and tightening loose skin around the neck muscles. All patients vary from one another and, depending on the examination, a cosmetic surgeon may suggest liposuction to remove fat deposits that might have accumulated around the neck.
By tightening the loose skin that surrounds the neck, patients can achieve a strong jawline and a long smooth neck. As Kelowna board certified plastic surgeons, we are seeing an increase in women having a Neck Lift done as a key single procedure to reinvent that youthful look. With the advancement of medical technology, the neck lift procedure causes little to no scarring and boasts a fast recovery period.
If time, the sun, changes in weight, genetics or any other factors have made for a saggy looking neck, you will definitely benefit from a Platysmaplasty. Book a consultation at Peterson MD Plastic Surgery in Kelowna today and Dr. Brian Peterson will explain all aspects of Platysmaplasty (Neck Lift) and how the procedure can benefit you.
For more information on Platysmaplasty, or any cosmetic surgery procedure, contact Dr. Peterson in Kelowna, Okanagan, today on (250) 868-9099 or 1-888-505-8895.